Bundle Course
Reformer & Matwork

Want to increase your knowledge, as well as your employment opportunities? With the Bundle you get the best of both worlds, and get to do both the Matwork & Reformer Instructor Courses.  The best part is you also get a big discount for choosing both from the start!  

The Reformer & Matwork Course have been designed to give you both the knowledge, and the practical ability to become a confident, well-rounded and inspiring Pilates teacher. 

Both are nationally recognised courses that have been designed using the latest research and is science-based. They are a combination of some online learning theory and plenty of face to face practical sessions, held on weekend afternoons, conducted fortnightly. Once you do our courses, you'll have the best knowledge, understanding and ability to put it all into practice. They are carefully crafted course, check out the topics below.

How does it work?  You choose your first course start date now, and you can start your second course any time within a 12 month period of commencing your first course (you don't have to choose your second course start date just yet). And after just one course, you are fully qualified in that apparatus, so you can commence teaching in that apparatus before you start your second course, or while you are studying your second course if you wish.

It's time! Turn your passion into a rewarding career, and learn how to help other people by becoming a confident, impressive and inspiring Pilates Instructor.


   Online Learning


Assessments - Practical & Written


  • History of Pilates
  • Comprehensive Anatomy & Exercise Physiology
  • Human Movement, Motor Learning and Biomechanics
  • Pain, Injuries and the Biopsychosocial Model
  • Untangling Posture with an Evidence-Based Lens
  • Teaching and Communication Skills
  • Pre & Postnatal Pilates and Appropriate Screening
  • Comprehensive Reformer & Matwork Repertoire
  • Programming, Cueing and Modifications
  • And much more!


  • Monthly Trainer Talk chats. You can k your teacher trainers any Pilates questions, whether it be about repertoire, a client with unusual pathology, or some advice.
  • Evergreen 10% discount on all all Continued Education, Workshops and Masterclasses for TPL Alumni
  • Ongoing membership to TPL Facebook Group

Partner Studio's

I had such a lack of confidence and anxiety about the course before I began, but with Rach’s teacher training it helped me so much!

She really takes the time to break things down and give a deeper level of understanding, in such an accessible way. I’m so much more confident in myself and my teaching!

Rachel made the training so engaging and fun, it was hands down a life changing experience for me.  Plus I’ve made some amazing friends Pilates friends I’ll have for life!
Narelle Darmanin
Rachel and Isaac clearly know their stuff.

I was lucky enough to come and do their teachings at The Perth Pilates Feast and I have to say, I learnt too much and I feel so much more confident in what I deliver to my clients.
Sophie - Pilates instructor